Maps, but totally private.
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Mapping apps are where the surveillance inherent in user data collection is applied to movement and space.
drift exists to protect privacy as people coordinate movement through the physical world.
When we move through the world, what we do is tracked by most of the apps that we use daily. This data can tell others the places we go — and who we go with.
For humanitarians, activists, privacy advocates, and citizens around the world, this data falling into the wrong hands can be harmful. It can even be life-threatening.
In Drift, you mark places with emoji “pins” to talk to others.
Each pin is where you talk to others, in both groups and DMs.
Every conversation on drift is protected with double-ratchet encryption, to keep our users safe. Our goal is use encryption so that even we won’t know who is talking to whom.
drift is here to protect people in the age of mass geosurveillance.
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Email addresses are not encrypted, but we will not share them with anyone else.